Article on Craft Distilling featuring New Deal Distillery and interview with New Deal founder, Tom Burkleaux by Melissa Locker.
From the Fortune article
“Tom Burkleaux got his license to distill in 2004 and has been making his New Deal vodka ever since. His company, New Deal Distillery, has grown steadily since then, adding products such as an award-winning spicy vodka, called Hot Monkey, a sweetly spicy ginger liqueur and a well-regarded gin to their liquor line-up. Over the last decade, the company has grown to include more than two dozen employees. This year, Burkleaux expects the company to ship 7,000-10,000 cases of handcrafted liquor to five states and three foreign countries. The company has been regularly hitting the black. New Deal Distillery is no longer a small, scrappy start-up. But Burkleaux won’t quit his day job. In fact, he barely pays himself a salary.”
“It’s a labor of love,” said Burkleaux in an interview with Fortune. “After ten years I could probably pay myself, but I want to continue to invest in the company and grow it to the level I think it can be at.”