New Deal Cocktail Recipes

Hot to Trot

New Deal’s feature cocktail at the 2013 Planned Parenthood’s Sexy Tuesday Martini Night Fundraiser, this hot cider will warm you from the inside out! Serves 14

  • 5 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 T whole cloves
  • 1/2  T allspice
  • 64 oz spiced apple cider
  • 21 oz New Deal Ginger Liqueur
  • 7 oz New Deal Vodka or New Deal Amber or Aged Rum

In a saucepan, immerse cinnamon, cloves and allspice in cider (you can use a tea bag if you don’t want to strain later). Heat cider on medium-high stovetop until steaming, stirring occasionally, then cover and let simmer for 20 minutes or until spiced to taste. Stir in Ginger Liqueur and vodka or rum. Strain immediately into warmed mugs.

Hope Springs

There’s still hope for you in the form of this zesty and refreshing cocktail.

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